Speaking at Miracle Open World 2012

By | January 24, 2012

I've been invited to speak at Miracle Open World 2012 in Billund, Denmark!  My topic will be "Oracle Database Appliance Internals," which I'll try to make fun and exciting.  I'm definitely looking forward to the experience, and it'll be great to spend time with the other speakers and attendees.  My session is currently scheduled for Thursday afternoon at 4PM, before the dinner and beach party.  If you're coming to the conference, come by my session and say hi!

One thought on “Speaking at Miracle Open World 2012

  1. Frits Hoogland

    Have much fun in Billund. As you probably know, billund is famous for Legoland. Say Hi to Darth Vader at the entrance of Hotel Legoland, where the conference takes place!

    Sadly my abstract is (probably) rejected, which means I will not be there this year.

    I will encounter an ODA probably next week, for doing a POC (the CPU speed needs to be correct, which is a known issue, as you know!)


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